加拿大麥克馬斯特神學院 (McMaster Divinity College)神道學博士
蘇格蘭愛丁堡大學 (University of Edinburgh) 神道學博士
英國牛津大學 (University of Oxford)哲學博士
President, China Graduate School of Theology (2007-13)
Vice president, China Graduate School of Theology (1994-2007)
Fellow, Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton (1991-1993)
Head of religion and philosophy department, HKBU (1984-1994)
著作 (部分)
Life is Beautiful: The Splendor of Humanity in Modern Literature. Hong Kong: Chinese Christian Literature Council, 2003. (in Chinese)
Freedom and Commitment. Hong Kong: Chinese Christian Literature Council, 2001.
Being and Relation: A Theological Critique of Western Dualism and Individualism. Edinburgh; Scottish Academic Press, 1987.
“Covenantal Rationality and the Healing of Reason,” in P. J. Griffiths/R. Huetter, eds. Reason and the Reasons of Faith (2005): 223-240.
“Evangelical Theology for the Future,” Journal of Asian Evangelical Theology 13 (2005): 55-65.
“Freedom and Covenant: Human Transcendence and Genetic Determination,” in M. L. Chan/R. Chia, eds., Beyond Determinism and Reductionism—Genetic Science and the Person. Adelaide: ATF Press, 2003: 108-123.
“Chinese Protestantism to the Present Day,” in A. McGrath/D. C. Marks, eds., The Blackwell Companion to Protestantism. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003: 222-231.
“The Principle of Relativity as a Conceptual Tool in Theology,” in M. Rae/H. Regan/J. Stenhouse, eds., Science and Theology. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1994: 180-210.
“Modern Christian Thought: China,” in Blackwell Encyclopedia of Modern Christian Thought. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993: 15-20