Dr. Max Hui-Bon-Hoa
Former Senior Lecturer, Centre for Applied English Studies, University of Hong Kong
PhD in Languages in Education, Institute of Education, University of London, UK
Certificate of Advanced Study (Education), School of Education, Harvard University
MA in Education, Stanford University, USA
MA in English Education, Stanford University, USA
MA in English and American Literature, Stanford University, USA
BA in English and American Literature, Stanford University, USA
Dr. Max Hui-Bon-Hoa has an extensive educational and teaching background in English, American literature, and education, and his research interests include the Bible as literature and language arts.
Dr. Hui-Bon-Hoa was born and raised in Hong Kong, then went on to earn various qualifications in the U.S. (Stanford University for his bachelor's and three master's degrees, and Harvard University for a CAS degree). Later, he also earned his PhD in languages in education at the University of London in the U.K.
Dr. Hui-Bon-Hoa has also been actively involved in teaching, having taught at Tunghai University and National Taiwan University in the early 1980s, followed by the University of Hong Kong, where he taught English language and literature, between 1985 and 2012. In the past 20 years, he has also trained English teachers in Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China.
After retiring early in mid-2012, Dr. Hui-Bon-Hoa has continued to be engaged in teaching and has also taken up writing. He currently teaches literature at the School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPACE, affiliated with the University of Hong Kong), teaches the Bible as literature at Ladder Mission, and conducts teacher-training in various parts of China. In addition, he has written, translated, and edited 20 books.
Hear from Dr. Hui-Bon-Hoa on teaching at Lumina College
Other credentials
Translated books
1. Adeney, David (1978). Men of Vision. Hong Kong: Living Books for All.
艾德理著. 黃元林譯 (1997). <有遠見的勇者>. 校園書房出版社.
2. Eims, Leroy (1976). What every Christian needs to know about growing. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
艾里羅著. 黃元林, 林相君合譯 (1979). <走上又新又活的路>. 大光出版社..
3. Green, Michael (1988, 2000). The Message of Matthew. Leicester. UK: Intervarsity Press.
格林著. 黃元林譯 (2009). <聖經信息系列: 馬太福音>. 校園書房出版社.
4. Lewis, C.S. (1964). Prayer: Letters to Malcolm. London: HarperCollins.
魯益斯著. 黃元林, 龐自堅, 魯瑞娟合譯 (1999). <飛鴻22帖>. 校園書房出版社.
5. Halliday, Terence; Ramachandra, Vinoth; Choo, Yvonne; & Zeng, Hanyi (2013).
Engaging the Campus: Faith and Service in the Academy (Monograph).
Singapore: Fellowship of Evangelical Students, Singapore.
雷馬強佐, 賀裡戴等著. 黃元林譯 (2016). <天國在校園>.
香港: 香港學生福音團契出版社.
6. Ryan, Dale, & Dale, Junita (1990). The “Recovery” Bible Studies series, including the following:
a. “Recovery from workaholism”
賴達明, 賴君妮著. 黃元林譯 (1995). <生命重整查經系列: 奴役不再>. 香港: 香港學生福音團契出版社.
b. “Recovery from family dysfunctions”
賴達明, 賴君妮著. 黃元林譯 (1992). <生命重整查經系列: 掙脫家鎖>. 香港: 香港學生福音團契出版社.
c. “Recovery from addictions”
賴達明, 賴君妮著. 黃元林譯 (1992). <生命重整查經系列: 沉溺得脫>. 香港: 香港學生福音團契出版社.
d. “Recovery from abuse”
賴達明, 賴君妮著. 黃元林譯 (1995). <生命重整查經系列: 禁錮得釋>. 香港: 香港學生福音團契出版社.
e. “Recovery from fear”
賴達明, 賴君妮著. 黃元林譯 (1995). <生命重整查經系列: 超越恐懼>. 香港: 香港學生福音團契出版社.
f. “Recovery from distorted images of God”
賴達明, 賴君妮著. 黃元林譯 (1993). <生命重整查經系列: 還祂本相>. 香港: 香港學生福音團契出版社.
g. “Recovery from distorted images of self”
賴達明, 賴君妮著. 黃元林譯 (1995). <生命重整查經系列: 喜見真我>. 香港: 香港學生福音團契出版社.
7. Stott, John (1992). The Contemporary Christian. Leicester, England: Intervarsity Press.
斯托得著. 黃元林譯 (1994). <當代基督門徒>. 台北: 校園書房出版社.
8. Stott, John (1990). The Message of Acts. Leicester, England: Intervarsity Press.
斯托得著. 黃元林譯 (1997). <聖經信息系列: 使徒行傳>. 台北: 校園書房出版社.
9. Stott, John (1996). The Message of 1 Timothy and Titus. Leicester, England: Intervarsity Press.
斯托得著. 黃元林譯 (2001). <聖經信息系列: 提摩太前書, 提多書>. 台北: 校園書房出版社.
10. Warrington, Keith (2009). The Message of the Holy Spirit. Nottingham, England: Intervarsity Press.
斯托得著. 黃元林譯 (待出版). <聖經信息系列: 聖靈>. 台北: 校園書房出版社.
11. Wilcock, Michael (2001). The Message of Psalms (1- 72). Leicester, UK: Intervarsity Press.
威爾克著. 黃元林譯 (2010). <聖經信息系列: 詩篇(上)>.台北:校園書房出版社.
12.Wilcock, Michael (2001). The Message of Psalms (73 - 150). Leicester, UK: Intervarsity Press.
威爾克著. 黃元林譯 (2010). <聖經信息系列: 詩篇(下)>. 台北: 校園書房出版社.
Edited books
1. 黄元林 (策劃), 余嘉齡 (编採) (2015). <天空下的時光>. 香港: 香港學生福音團契出版社.
Hui-Bon-Hoa, Max, Yu, Ka Ling, Jocelyn. (2015). Days under the sky: The story of Lee Hall Fellowship. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Fellowship of Evangelical Students Press.
2. 黃元林 (策劃), 張恆信 (編採) (2016). <我們在僑團的日子>. 香港: 德慧文化圖書有限公司.
Hui-Bon-Hoa, Max, Cheung, Hang Shun (2016). Our days in Taiwan. Hong Kong: Virtue & Wisdom Link Books Ltd.
3. 黃元林 (2016). <隨著祢走: 黃元林博士回憶錄>. (非買品).
Max Hui-Bon-Hoa (2016). In His Steps: The memoirs of Dr Max Hui-Bon-Hoa. (Not for sale.)
4. Folts, Rose (2017). Trans. Boarman C. Wang. Surrounded by Colorful Clouds: The Story of Rose Folts and the Taipei Holy Word Children’s Home. Taipei: Holy Word Foundation. (Not for sale).
5. 黄瑞君, 林佩珊 (2017). <自我領導: 十五位青年人內在醫治的歷程> 香港: 天梯使團.
Wong, Lydia, & Lam, Irene (2017). Self-leadership: The journey of the inner healing of 15 youths. Hong Kong: Ladder Mission.
6. 黃瑞君, 趙綺蓮 (待出版). <主, 有祢真好!> (非買品).
Wong, Lydia, with Chiu, Chirly (forthcoming). Lord, You are Wonderful! (Not for sale.)
7. 黃元林 (策劃), 陳偉基 (編採) (待出版). <我在港大遇見神>. 香港: 香港學生福音團
Hui-Bon-Hoa, Max & Chan, Wai Kei Calvin (forthcoming). Encounters with God at HKU. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Fellowship of Evangelical Students Press.