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Shaping the church : the promise of implicit theology

Each month, we feature a book from the Lumina College Library handpicked by our librarian. This month's Book of the Month is:

Title: Shaping the church : the promise of implicit theology

Publisher: Ashgate

Author: Martyn Percy


Martyn Percy explores how apparently innocent and incidental material is in fact highly significant for the shaping of theological and ecclesiological horizons. This book is not, however, simply about reading meanings into events, ideas, conversations and contexts. Rather, it sets out to faithfully interpret much of the material that surrounds us, yet is often taken for granted, or more usually unnoticed. The book is an invitation to involve the scholar or minister, paying close and patient attention to beliefs, language, artefacts, rituals, practices and other material - all of which are constitutive for ecclesial life and theological identity.

About the author

Martyn Percy was Principal of Ripon College, Cuddesdon, from 20104-14. He is a Professor of Theological Education at King’s College London and Professorial Research Fellow at Heythrop College, University of London. He writes on Christianity and contemporary culture, modern ecclesiology and practical theology.


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