Dr. Samuel Ooi H.K.
Adjunct Faculty, Lumina College
PhD in Theology, Ethics, and Hermeneutics, University of Edinburgh
ThM, Southeast Asia Graduate School of Theology
MDiv, Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary
BA, National Chung Hsing University
在教學生涯上,曾於香港浸信會神學院夜間課程、沙巴神學院、信義宗神學院任教。早年的神學養份來自本色神學、處境神學、宗教對話。經歷了若干年教導系統神學、世界宗教、基督教倫理學後,慢慢融合了詮釋學的思考。我的負擔是,聖經的詮釋,在向西方借鏡了多年以後,必須視之為思想資源之餘,更重要的是以在地為神學詮釋的立足點,以全球反映所活的時代,出走一種純釋經的(what it means in the text)的路線,走向走在一個為此地、為你我、為教會的神學詮釋。
YouTube short clip selection
_______:《大衛皇朝:撒母耳記的神學詮釋》。(台北:校園, 2019 )。
_______:《同性戀的十字架2:從生命掙扎中的扣問到靈命的願景》(The Existential and the Eschatological Dimensions of Homosexuality: A Theological Interpretation)。(香港:印象文字,2017)(本書已參選香港基督教出版聯會第八屆學術獎項)。
Ooi, Samuel Hio-kee, A Double Vision Hermeneutic: Interpreting a Chinese Pastor’s Intersubjective Experience of Shi勢 Engaging Pauline Texts and Yizhuan. PhD Thesis Monograph. Wipf & Stock, 2014.
_______:〈蝴蝶的話〉。收錄於《恩典的緣: 阿公店傳奇》。(阿公店研究室出版,1989)。
Hio Kee Ooi (黃厚基. “The Love of a Mother and God’s Unfailing Love: From D. W. Winnicottt’s Mother-Infant Theory to a Theological Interpretation of God-Man Relationship.” [In Chinese] (〈母愛和上帝那無微不至的愛:論溫尼格的母嬰關係理論並其神學含意〉. In Holy Light Theological Journal, No. 3 (Dec 2018): 111-149.
Samuel Hio Kee Ooi (黃厚基). “Martin Luther’s Anfechtung and Its Implications for Spiritual Exercise.” [In Chinese] (〈馬丁路德的Anfechtung與屬靈操練〉. In Taiwan Baptist Christian Seminary Journal, No. 16 (Dec 2018): 171-200.
________, “The ‘Prophetic Ministry’ of Liu Zhuchun and Chen Jianming’s Conceptualization of Vision and Dream: A Comparative Hermeneutic.” [In Chinese] (〈劉竹村「啟示性事奉」中之預言和異象和陳建民論異象和異夢之對比詮釋〉). In Sabah Theological Seminary 25th Anniversary Special Collection (Sabah: STS, 2013): 198-217.。
________, “The Dialogue Between Robert C. Neville and Confucianism: Neville’s Doctrine of Creation ex nihilo and the Transcendence-Immanence Debate.” [In Chinese]. (〈南樂山與儒家的對話〉In CGST Journal, No. 40 (2006.1): 35-67.
________, “Old Wine in New Wineskin: A Preliminary Study on New Apostolic Reformation Movement and the Challenge of Complexity Leadership.” (〈舊酒新瓶:新使徒運動初探和複雜領導模式的挑戰〉) In Hill Road Journal, No. 14. (Dec 2004): 145-168.
Samuel Hio-kee Ooi, “A Study of Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare from a Chinese Perspective.” In Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies No. 9:1 (2006): 143-161.
Lectures given
4 August 2019 暑期主日學講座主講〈一龍二獸名下的願景:繁華下的身分危機(下)〉
7 July 2019 暑期主日學講座主講〈一龍二獸名下的願景:繁華下的身分危機(上)〉
19 Aug 2018 暑期主日學講座主講〈從五經看受造界與人的尊嚴〉
20 Aug 2017 暑期主日學講座主講〈馬丁路德的Anfechtung 與屬靈引導〉
14 Aug 2016 暑期主日學講座主講〈成為教會:後現代社會中的基督群體〉
19 Mar 2016 周六講場〈馬可福音中的群眾〉
5 July 2015 暑期主日學講座主講〈母愛和上帝那無微不至的愛: 論溫尼格的母嬰關係理論並其神學含意〉
6 July 2014 暑期主日學講座主講〈從新约看政教〉
12 July 2014 讀經加油站主講〈從約書亞記談『已然未然』的神學和信仰意涵〉)
June 2012: Reading a paper in the SABL conference held in Sabah Theological Seminary, “A Double Vision Hermeneutics of a Chinese Pastor’s Intersubjective Experience of Shì Engaging Pauline Texts and Yìzhuàn,”
11 April 2012 於沙巴神學院擔任石衡潭博士〈論語與聖經對讀:儒家孝道與基督教孝敬誡命〉
Response to speaker
Attended “Chinese Biblical Studies: Issues in understanding and interpretation," a colloquium on Chinese biblical studies sponsored by the Center for the Study of Christianity in China, King’s College, London, held from January 17th-21st.